Tutoring & Test Prep
Private Tutoring
Tutoring services are likely to be expanded in the future and will only be offered for a particular subject when we have someone with proven qualifications. For now, private tutoring for the following subjects is being offered:
AP English Language & Composition
General Writing & Grammar
AP English Literature & Composition
9-12th Grade English
General Reading
Test Prep
In addition to the private tutoring above, Apogee also provides tutoring for the Reading, Writing, and Essay portions of both the SAT and ACT. Adequate test preperation has a demonstrable effect on a student’s overall score, and I have worked with students in all score ranges—from the student-athlete needing a higher score for a scholarship to the ivy-bound student hoping for a perfect score. But rather than wasting time and energy teaching “test tricks” that may not even end up working, I focus on those skills that will not only improve a student’s score but also translate into domains other than test-taking (e.g., the principles of grammar, the fundamentals of essay composition, rhetorical argumenation, and critical reading).
Fill out the contact form or send an email for rates. Please make sure to specify which subject you or your student needs help on, as well as any other details you may have.